Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Research Summary:
For an integer , we denote by and the greatest prime factor of and the number of distinct prime divisors of , respectively. Further we put and . Let be positive integers such that is square free, , and . We consider the equation
(1) |
Shorey and Tijdeman proved that with gcd , (1) implies that is bounded by an effectively computable number depending only on . Further Shorey showed that the assumption gcd can be relaxed to in the preceding result. On the other hand, we observe
that (1) may have infinitely many solutions in the case . Next Saradha and Shorey showed that (1) with and is not possible whenever . It has also been shown by Saradha and Shorey that (1) with
, , and does not hold. In collaboration with T. N. Shorey I studied
(1) for , and , and obtained that only solution under these restrictions is .
- (with Yong-Gao Chen) ; The view-obstruction problem for polygons;
Publ. Math. Debrecen 60 (2002), no. 1-2, 101-105.
- (with S. D. Adhikari and G. Coppola); On the average of the
sum-of- -prime-divisors function; Acta Arith. 101 (2002), no. 4, 333-338.
- (with T. N. Shorey); Almost squares in arithmetic progression(II).
- (with T. N. Shorey) ; Square free part of products of consecutive
Visits to other Institutes:
Visited TIFR in February and April, 2002.
Other Activities:
Two lectures in Basic Notion seminars on ``Congruence properties
of Partition function''.