By Academic Members :
- Maneesh Thakur Coxeter Groups
- Rukmini Day A Metric of preassigned negative Gaussian curvature
for a punctured hyperbolic Riemann surface
- Rukmini Day A complete conformal metric of prescribed negative
curvature on a punctured hyperbolic Riemann surface
- I.B.S. Passi Non-Positive Curvature and Group Theory
- Rukmini Dey Harmonic Maps and Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces
- Rukmini Dey Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces and Flat Connections
- Shripad M. Garge Introduction to root systems
- Anuradha Narasimhan Linear Systems on Curves Defined over Finite
- Shripad M. Garge Maximal tori determining algebraic groups
- D. Prasad Langland’s Programme
By Visitors :
- I. Emmanouil Bass’s Conjecture for Amenable Groups
- I. Emmanouil Idepotents in Group Algebras
- I. Emmanouil Bass’s Conjecture for Amenable Groups II
- Chanchal Kumar Projective varieties through examples
- Ramji Lal Semisimple rings, structure theorem
- N.S.N. Sastry Geometries of type

- N. Raghavendra Binary trees and fibred categories
- Vyacheslav Futorny Yangians and their representations
- Mikhail Borovoi Non-abelian Galois cohmology
- Loic Merel Elliptic Curves, Modular forms and Cyclotomic fields
- Jean-Louis Loday Hopf algebras of trees
- Loic Merel Rational Points and Elliptic Curves
- S.M. Srivastava On the existence of a Steinhaus set
- S.O. Juriannns Units in Group Rings
- M. Vidyasagar Challenges in Computational Biology
- K.R. Parthasarthy Mathematical foundations of Quantum computing
- M. Balasubramanian Exponential Sums
- M.S. Raghunathan Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
Harish-Chandra Research Institute