By Academic Members :
- S. Panda A Space-Time Orbifold : A Toy Model for a Cosmological
- Suryadeep Ray Performance characteristics of the TreePM code
- Alok Mishra Membrane Instanton Superpotential in M-theory on
- Partha Konar Charginos and neutralinos from gauge boson fusion
at Large Hadron Collider
- Partha Mukhopadhyay Decay of Unstable D-branes with Electric Field
- Swapan Kumar Majhi NLO crrections to ultra high energy neutrinonucleon
scattering, saturation and small x
- J.S. Bagla A Deep I-Band selected Galaxy Sample
- Debashis Ghoshal Unstable magnetic fluxes in heterotic string theory
- Alok C. Gupta The CFRS survey : Data-I & II
- Subrata Sur Noncommutativity beyond leading order
- L.Sriramkumar Cavity with a moving wall and Bekenstein’s bound
on specific entropy
- J.S. Bagla The luminosity density and star formation history of
the Universe
- J.S. Bagla Galaxies and Faint Radio Sources
- Sourin Das Effective action and interaction energy of coupled quantum
- Suryadeep Ray Evolution of clustering
- J.S. Bagla WMAP Results and Cosmological Parameters
- Subrata Sur Closed string T-duality & D-brane effective action
in curved backgrounds
- Prasanta K. Das The effect of a light radion on the triviality
bound of Higgs mass
- Agha Afsar Ali Cooperative behavior in a spatial model of ’commons’
- B. Mukhopadhyaya Some current trends in High-Energy Electroweak
- S. Goswami Recent developments in Neutriinos and Flavour Physics
- J.S. Bagla Gravitational Clustering
- A.C. Gupta Variability in active galactic nuclei
- P. Majumdar Condensed Phase
- D. Gaitonde The strange oxides
- Sumathi Rao The strange electron
- R. Gopakumar String Theory: Aspects and Prospects-I
- D. Jatkar String Theory: Aspects and Prospects-II
- Partha Mukhopadhyay Decay of unstable D-branes with elelctric field
By Visitors :
- Justing David Closed string tachyon Twisted compactification
- Mahendra Khandkar Computer Simulation Studies of Kinetics of some
Adsorption Systems
- Supriya Kar Non Commutative field theories at a pedagogical level
- Sanil Unnkrishnan Schwarzschild Solution and Penrose Diagrams
- Subhendra Mohanty Neutrino magnetic moments from sloar neutrino
- Sanjoy Majumder Introduction to theoretical BEC
- Sasanka Ghosh Construction of logic gates using optical solitons
- Sumati Surya Positive mass from holographic causality
- Vikram Vyas Spin-string interaction in effective QCD strings
- Bhavani Prasad Mandal Problems in Coulomb Gauge and Generalized
BRST Transformations
- G.’t Hooft Determinism in Quantum Mechanics
- S. Dattagupta Coherence and decoherence
- Hasi Ray Positron positronium physics
- T. Padmanabhan Story of the Calender
- T. Padmanabhan Issues in Statitstical Mechanics of Gravitating
- T. Padmanabhan The Dark Side of the Universe
- T. Padmanabhan Action Principle in Gravity: A Thermodynamic Perspective
- Sivakumar Manickam Quasi-Periodic oscillations in the x-ray emission
from black hole candidates
- Anil Kakodakar Research Education Interface
- R. Chidambaram The Need for Coherent Synergy
- R. Rajaraman Scientific Research in Universities-some reflections
- G.K. Mehta Synergy between Universities and research institutions
- H.S. Mani Teaching in research institutes
- Jarah Evslin The conserved charges of IIB Stefano Giusto BRS cohomology
around the tachyonic vacuum in the level expansion scheme
- Bo-Yu Hou 4D Quantum Hall fluid of Yang’s SU(@) Monopole, noncommutative
geometry and integrable models
- S. Mukhopadhyay Large N matrix renormalization in 2D string theory
- K. Narayan Blocking up D-branes: matrix renormalization?
- K.L. Panigrahi pp’-Branes in PP-wave background
- Ashish Dabholkar Duality twists, orbifolds and fluxes
- Sumit Das Fat IIA strings in pp-waves
- Justin David Unstable magnetic fluxes in heterotic string theory
- Ansar Fayyazuddin Towards D3/D5-brane webs in supergravity
- Mohd. Reza Garousi Gauge invariant operators, S-matrix elements
tachyonic effective action in open string field theory
- Akikazu Hashimoto Adding flavour to adS/CFT
- Pei-Ming Ho Virasoro algebra for nonlocal particles
- Camillo Imbimbo Dijkgraaf-Vafa duality at finite N global anomalies
of Kodaira-Spencer Theory
- Supriya Kar Noncommuntative strings and large dimensions
- Swapana Mahapatra New 7-manifolds of G(2) holonomy and type IIA
reduction of M-theory
- Jnanadeva Maharana Novel symmetries in axion-dilaton quantum cosmology
- Shesansu Sekhar Pal Cosmology without big bang
- Shibaji Roy TBA
- Sanjay On vector operators in gauge theory/pp-wave string theory
- Tapobrata Sarkar Brane probes of nonsupersysmmetric orbifolds
- Prasanta Tripathy New supersymmetric string compactifications
- K.P. Yogendran Strings in BTZ black holes
- Ruihong Yue Cubic string field theory and Moyal product
- Nathan Berkovits Covariant quantization of the superstring
- Michael Douglas Chiral rings and anomalies in supersymmetric gauge
- T. Jayaraman D-branes in curved space
- Shamit Kachru Fluxes, superpotentials and string vacua
- Samir Mathur AdS(3)/CFT(2): what does it teach us about black holes
and quantum gravity?
- Shiraz Minwalla Closed string tachyon condensation
- Sunil Mukhi The PP wave wave
- Leonardo Rastelli Open string tachyon condensation
- Eva Silverstein Supersymmetry breaking in string theory
- Spenta Wadia Gauge fields and string theory
Harish-Chandra Research Institute