Sukumar Das Adhikari
- On a question regarding visibility of lattice points-III
(Written jointly with Yong-Gao Chen)
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 259, 1-3, 251-256.
- Remarks on the visibility problem in the function field case
(Written jointly with Francesco Pappalardi)
C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 24 (3), 109-116 (2002).
- Remarks on some zero-sum problems
(Jointly with Purusottam Rath)
Expositiones Mathematicae, to appear.
- Arithmetic nature of sums of certain convergent series
(Jointly with N. Saradha)
Resonance, Vol. 7, No. 11, 35 - 46, 2002.
- Siegel's Theorem: Finiteness of integral points
(Jointly with D. S. Ramana)
Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Cryptography, Proceedings of the
advanced instructional workshop on Algebraic Number Theory, HRI, Allahabad,
2000 (Eds. A. K. Bhandari, D. S. Nagaraj, B. Ramakrishnan, T. N. Venkataramana),
Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi 2003, to appear.
Punita Batra
- (With S. E. Rao) A new class of Representations of EALA Co-ordinated
by Quantum Tori in two Variables, Canad. Math. Bull. Vol.45, 672-685(2002).
Kalyan Chakraborty
- ``Exponents of class groups of real quadratic function fields.'' With
A. Mukhopadhyay, To appear in PAMS.
Rukmini Dey
- ``The Weierstrass-Enneper Representation using hodographic coordinates
on a minimal surface'', to appear in Proceedings of Indian Academy of
- ``Symplectic and Hyperkähler structures in a dimensional reduction
of the Seiberg-Witten equations with a Higgs field'' appeared in Reports
on Mathematical Physics, 50.3, 277-290, 2002.
Ravi S. Kulkarni
- Subtle Points of Automorphisms of Finite Graphs, Graph Theory
Notes of New York XLII, (2002) 31-41 .
E. K. Narayanan
- The heat kernel and Hardy's theorem on symmetric spaces of noncompact
type Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 112 (2002), no.2, 321-330 (jointly
with S. K. Ray).
I.B.S. Passi
- Integral Jodan Decomposition of Matrices, Linear Algebra and
Its Applications, 355 (2002) 241-261 [jointly with K. W. Roggenkamp
and Marcos Soriano].
- Linear Groups, Professor Wazir Hasan Abdi Memorial Lectures
Vol.1(2003), Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Cochin, pp. 53-64.
Dipendra Prasad
- (with CS Rajan) On a theorem of Sunada on Isospectral manifolds, Journal
of Number Theory, vol. 99, 180-184 (2003).
- On an analogue of a conjecture of Mazur: A question in Diophantine
approximation, ``Contributions to Automorphic Forms, Geometry and
Number Theory: Shalikafest 2002"-a supplemental volume to the American
Journal of Mathematics (2003).
B. Ramakrishnan
- Saito-Kurokawa correspondence of degree two for arbitrary level, (with
M. Manickam), J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 17, No. 3 (2002) 149-160.
- A Note on Certain Divisibility Properties of the Fourier Coefficients
of Normalised Eisenstein Series, (with R. Thangadurai), Expo. Math.
21, No. 1 (2003) 75-82.
D. Surya Ramana
- Adhikari, S.D. and Ramana D.S., Siegel's Theorem
Punita Batra
- Representations of twisted multi loop Lie algebras.
Kalyan Chakraborty
- Exponents of class groups of a family of cyclic cubic fields.
Shripad M. Garge
- Maximal tori determining algebraic groups.
- On the order of finite semisimple groups (in preparation).
Sanoli Gun
- On some multiplicative relations arising from lacunarity of Dedekind
eta-quotients. (with Prof. B.Ramakrishnan)
- Multiplicative relations of eta products. (with Prof. B.Ramakrishnan)
Ravi S. Kulkarni
- Generalized Euclidean Geometries, a manuscript to be published
as a monograph. [ with L.Mansfield].
- Arithmetic Dynamic Perspective on Linear Algebra, (in preparation).
E. K. Narayanan
integrability, supports of Fourier transforms and uniqueness for
convolution equations (jointly with M. L. Agranovsky).
- On support theorems on
I.B.S. Passi
- A contribution to Bass' conjecture [jointly with Ioannis Emmanouil].
- Commutator subgroups of free nilpotent groups [jointly with
Narain Gupta].
- Hyperbolic unit groups [jointly with S. O. Juriaans and Dipendra
Dipendra Prasad
- Distinguished representations for quadratic extensions of finite fields;
Proceedings of the Chonbuk University Conf. on Riemann Hypothesis
Theory and Clay Problems, ed. by Yanggon Kim.
- (with C. Khare) Reduction of homomorphisms mod
and algebraicity; submitted for publication.
- (with SO Juriaans and IBS Passi) Hyperbolic Unit groups.
B. Ramakrishnan
- A Note on the Estimates for Fourier Coefficients of Siegel Cusp Forms
of Half-integral Weight, (with M. Manickam).
- An Introduction to Modular Forms and Hecke Operators, (with M. Manickam).
Anupam Kumar Singh
- Reality properties of conjugacy classes in
, in preparation.
Maneesh Kumar Laxman Thakur
- The etale Tits Process of Jordan Algebras revisted (with Holger Petersson),
to appear in Journal of Algebra.
- Reality properties of conjugacy classes in
, in preparation (with Anupam Kumar Singh).
- On subgroups of type
in groups of type (in preparation).
- Coxeter Groups (with Ravindra Shukla), in preparation.
Harish-Chandra Research Institute