
Jasjeet Singh Bagla

  1. Bagla J.S. : TreePM: A code for Cosmological N-Body Simulations, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 23, 185, 2002.
  2. Bagla J.S., Jassal H.K. and Padmanabhan T. : Cosmology with tachyon field as dark energy, Phys.Rev.D 67, 063504, 2003.

Debajyoti Choudhury

  1. Radiative Production of Invisible Charginos in Photon Photon Collisions
    B. Mukhopadhyaya, S. Rakshit and A. Datta
    Jour. High Energy Phys. 0301, 069 (2003).
  2. Top Squark Searches at the Tevatron in models of low-energy Supersymmetry Breaking
    M. Carena, , R.A. Diaz, H.E. Logan and C.E.M. Wagner
    D66:115010 (2002)
  3. QCD Corrections to Resonant Slepton Production in hadron colliders.
    S. Majhi and V. Ravindran
    B660, 343 (2003)
  4. Measuring $R$-parity violating couplings in Dilepton production at the LHC
    R.M. Godbole and G. Polesello
    Jour. High Energy Phys. 0208, 004 (2002).
  5. Signals of Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking in an $e \gamma$ Collider
    D.K. Ghosh and S. Roy
    B646, 3, (2002).

Sourin Das

  1. Quantised charge pumping through multiple quantum dots, with Argha Banerjee and Sumathi Rao, cond-mat/0307324.
  2. Effective action and interaction energy of coupled quantum dots, with Sumathi Rao, cond-mat/0209033, to appear in Phys. Rev. B.
  3. Scattering phase shifts in quasi-one-dimension, with Prosenjit Singha Deo and Swarnali Bandopadhyay, Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys. B16, 2247-2277 (2002).

Prasanta Kumar Das

  1. Testable muon G-2 contribution due to a light stabilized Radion in the Randall Sundrum model.
    -- and Uma Mahanta.
    -- Nucl .Phys. B644:395-400, 2002

Raj Gandhi

  1. R. Gandhi, K. Kar and S. Uma Sankar, Pramana 60, 405 (2003).
  2. A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, R. Gandhi, S. Goswami and D. P. Roy, Phys. Lett. B 559, 121 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0212146].
  3. A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, R. Gandhi, S. Goswami and D. P. Roy, arXiv:hep-ph/0211266. (JHEP, to appear)

Debashish Ghoshal

  1. D. Ghoshal, Normalization of the boundary superstring field theory action in Strings 2001, Edited by A. Dabholkar et al, American Mathematical Society (2002).
  2. D. Choudhury, D. Ghoshal, D. Jatkar and S. Panda, On the cosmological relevance of the tachyon, Phys. Lett. B544 (2002) 231 - 238.

Rajesh Gopakumar

  1. R. Gopakumar, ``String interactions in PP-waves,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 171601 (2002)
  2. R. Gopakumar, M. Headrick and M. Spradlin, ``On noncommutative multi-solitons,'' Commun. Math. Phys. 233, 355 (2003).
  3. R. Gopakumar, ``N = 1 theories and a geometric master field,'' JHEP, 05, 033, (2003).

Srubabati Goswami

  1. Solar neutrino experiments: An overview
    S. Goswami, arXiv:hep-ph/0303075, to appear in the special issue on Neutrino Physics of the Proceedings of the Indian National Academy of Sciences.
  2. Exploring the sensitivity of current and future experiments to $\theta(\odot)$
    A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey,S. Goswami, arXiv:hep-ph/0302243, to appear in Phys. Rev. D.
  3. The solar neutrino problem after the first results from KamLAND
    A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, R. Gandhi, S. Goswami and D. P. Roy, Phys. Lett. B 559 (2003) 12.
  4. Implications of the first neutral current data from SNO for solar neutrino oscillation
    A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, S. Goswami, D.P. Roy, hep-ph/0204286, Phys. Lett. B 540, 14 (2002).
  5. Neutrino Decay Confronts the SNO data
    A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, S. Goswami Phys.Lett.B555:33-42,(2003).
  6. Progress in Neutrino Oscillation Searches and their implications
    S. Goswami
    Pramana, Vol 60, No. 2, 261, 2003.

Alok Chandra Gupta

  1. Optical Variability of Gamma-Ray Loud Blazars,
    A. C. Gupta, U. C. Joshi & J. H. Fan
    (2002), Astrophysics $\&$ Space Science, 282, 655
  2. Add Star Experiment: A New Approach,
    A. C. Gupta, R. Sagar (2003), (submitted to New Astronomy)
  3. Comparison of the Intra-night Optical Variability of All Classes of Powerful AGN,
    C. S. Stalin, Gopal - Krishna, A. C. Gupta, R. Sagar, U. C. Joshi & P. J. Wiita
    (2003) (submitted to MNRAS)
  4. Discovery of Planetary Nebulae in the Young Open Clusters NGC 6834, NGC 6913 and NGC 7654,
    A. C. Gupta, E. K. Grebel & G. J. Miller
    (2003) (in preparation for Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters)

Sanjeev Kumar

  1. Anderson-Mott Transition Driven by Spin Disorder: Spin Glass Transition and Magnetotransport in Amorphous GdSi, Pinaki Majumdar and Sanjeev Kumar , cond-mat/0209579 (Phys. Rev. Lett. in press)
  2. Double Exchange Models: Self Consistent Renormalisation, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar , cond-mat 0305345
  3. Inhomogeneous Ferromagnetism and Unconventional Charge Dynamics in Disordered Double Exchange Magnets, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar, cond-mat 0305352
  4. Nanoscale Phase Coexistence and Percolative Quantum Transport, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar , cond-mat 0305645

Pinaki Majumdar

  1. Anderson-Mott Transition Driven by Spin Disorder: Spin Glass Transition and Magnetotransport in Amorphous GdSi, Pinaki Majumdar and Sanjeev Kumar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 237202 (2003).
  2. Novel Sound Phenomena in Superfluid Helium in Aerogel and Other Impure Superfluids, P. Brusov, P. Brusov, G. Lawes, C. Lee, A. Matsubara, O. Ishikawa and P. Majumdar, Phys. Lett. A 310, 311 (2003).

Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

  1. Bulk torsion fields in theories with extra dimensions (Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Somasri Sen, Soumitra Sengupta) - Phys. Rev. D65, 124021 (2002).
  2. Does a Randall-Sundrum Scenario create the illusion of a torsionless universe? (Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Somasri Sen and Soumitra Sengupta) - Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 121101 (2002)
  3. Radiative production of invisible charginos in photon-photon collisions (Debajyoti Choudhury, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Subhendu Rakshit and Anindya Datta) - J. HEP. 0301, 069 (2003).

Satchidananda Naik

  1. The Sigma model formulation of type II string theory in the $Ads_5\times S_5$ backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux , IJMP A, 18 (2003) 1749
  2. The Gravity dual of the Non-Perturbative $ N = 2 $ SUSY Yang-Mills Theory , Proceedings of PASCOS,2003

Sudhakar Panda

  1. Choudhury D., Ghoshal D, Jatkar D.P. and Panda S., On the Cosmological Relevance of the Tachyon, PHys. Lett. B544 (2002) 231.
  2. Kar S. and Panda S., Electromagnetic Strings: complimentarity between time and temperature, JHEP 11 (2002) 052.
  3. de Roo M., Panda S. and Westra D.B., De Sitter solution in N=4 matter coupled supergravity, JHEP 02 (2003) 003.
  4. Panda S. and Sorokin D., Supersymmetric and Kappa-invariant coincident D0-branes, JHEP 02 (2003) 055.

Sumathi Rao

  1. Junction of several weakly interacting quantum wires: a renormalization group study, cond-mat/0206259. (with Siddharth Lal and Diptiman Sen), Phys. Rev. B66 (2002), 165327.

V. Ravindran

  1. NLO Differential Distributions of Massive Lepton Pair Production in Longitudinally polarized Proton Proton collisions.
    by V. Ravindran, J. Smith, W.L. van Neerven, YITP-SB-02-32, INLO-PUB-4-02, Jul 2002. 54pp. Nucl.Phys.B647:275-318,2002, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0207076
  2. QCD Corrections to Resonant slepton production in hadron colliders.
    By Debajyoti Choudhury, Swapan Majhi, V. Ravindran MRI-P-020704, Jul 2002. 21pp. Nucl.Phys.B660:343-361,2003 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0207247
  3. NNLO corrections to the total cross-section for Higgs boson production in hadron hadron collisions.
    By V. Ravindran, J. Smith, W. L. van Neerven YITP-SB-03-02, INLO-PUB-01-03, Feb 2003. 58pp. Nucl. Phys.B(in print) e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0302135
  4. Working Group Report: Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadronic Structure.
    By R. Basu, V. Ravindran. 2003. Published in Pramana 60:401-404,2003

Suryadeep Ray

  1. Performance Characteristics of TreePM codes (J.S. Bagla, Suryadeep Ray) - astro-ph 0212129. Accepted for publication in New Astronomy.

Ashoke Sen

  1. A. Sen, ``Field theory of tachyon matter,'' Mod. Phys. Lett. A 17, 1797 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0204143].
  2. A. Sen, ``Time evolution in open string theory,'' JHEP 0210, 003 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0207105].
  3. P. Mukhopadhyay and A. Sen, ``Decay of unstable D-branes with electric field,'' JHEP 0211, 047 (2002) [arXiv:hep-th/0208142].
  4. A. Sen, ``Time and tachyon,'' to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A [arXiv:hep-th/0209122].
  5. A. Sen, ``Dirac-Born-Infeld action on the tachyon kink and vortex,'' submitted for publication [arXiv:hep-th/0303057].

Harvendra Singh

  1. H. Singh, (D6,D8) Bound State, Massive Duality and Non-commutativity, arXiv:hep-th/0212103, Nucl. Phys. B (in press).

L. Sriramkumar

  1. L. Sriramkumar, Odd statistics in odd dimensions for odd couplings, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 17, 1059-1066 (2002).


Jasjeet Singh Bagla

  1. Bagla J.S. and Ray S. : Performance characteristics of the TreePM method, New Astronomy, in press.
  2. Bagla J.S. : A parallel TreePM code, To appear in the proceedings of Numerical Simulations in Astronomy, Tokyo (2002).
  3. Bagla J.S. and White M. : Redshifted $21$cm emission from $z \approx 3$, To appear in the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Proceedings volume I, Eds. Satoru Ikeuchi, John Hearnshaw, and Tomoyuki Hanawa; ASP conference series, vol.289. astro-ph/0212228.

Debajyoti Choudhury

  1. NLO Corrections to Ultrahigh-Energy Neutrino Nucleon Scattering, Saturation and Small $x$.
    R. Basu, and S. Majhi
    Jour. High Energy Phys. 0210, 012 (2002).
  2. $ZZH$ Coupling: A Probe to the origin of EWSB?
    A. Datta and K. Huitu

Sourin Das

  1. Transport through multiply crossed carbon nano-tubes, with Sumathi Rao, manuscript in preparation.
  2. Transport through multiply connected quantum wires, with Sumathi Rao, manuscript in preparation.
  3. Adiabatic charge pumping through a quantum ring, with Argha Banerjee and Sumathi Rao,manuscript in preparation.

Prasanta Das

  1. Torson constraints from the recent precision measurement of the muon anomaly.
    -- , Uma Mahanta and Sreerup Raychaudhuri.
    -- (LANL Archive: hep-ph/0107162, submitted to Phys. Lett. B)
  2. The effects of a light radion on the triviality bound on Higgs mass.
    -- and Uma Mahanta.
    -- (LANL Archive: hep-ph/0301022, submitted to PRL)
  3. Higgs pair production due to a radion resonance in Randall-Sundrumm model: prospects at the Large Hadron Collider.
    -- and Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya.
    -- (LANL Archive: hep-ph/0303135)

Raj Gandhi

  1. CPT violating solutions of the Solar Neutrino Problem with A. Datta, P. Mehta and S. Uma Sankar, in preparation.
  2. Neutrino Physics with a Large Mass Iron Calorimeter, with A. Datta (in preparation)

Srubabati Goswami

  1. Testing the solar LMA region with KamLAND data
    A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Choubey, R. Gandhi, S. Goswami and D. P. Roy, arXiv:hep-ph/0211266.

Partha Konar

  1. Slepton production from gauge boson fusion.
    with Debajyoti Choudhury, Anindya Datta, Katri Huitu, Stefano Moretti, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya.
  2. Bhabha Scattering with Radiated Gravitons at Linear Colliders.
    with Sukanta Dutta, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Sreerup Raychaudhuri.

Sanjeev Kumar

  1. Antilocalisation to Strong Localisation: the Interplay of Magnetic Scattering and Structural Disorder, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar

Pinaki Majumdar

  1. Double Exchange Models: Self Consistent Renormalisation, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar, preprint, cond-mat 0305345.
  2. Inhomogeneous Ferromagnetism and Unconventional Charge Dynamics in Disordered Double Exchange Magnets, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar, preprint, cond-mat 0305352.
  3. Nanoscale Phase Coexistence and Percolative Quantum Transport , Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar, preprint, cond-mat, 0305645.
  4. Antilocalisation to Strong Localisation: the Interplay of Magnetic Scattering and Structural Disorder, Sanjeev Kumar and Pinaki Majumdar.

Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

  1. Supersymmetry and neutrino mass (Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya) - hep-ph/0301278: To appear in Special Volume on Neutrino Physics, INSA Proceedings.
  2. Parity violation and torsion: a study in four dimensions and higher dimensions (Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Somasri Sen, Soumitra Sengupta and Saurabh Sur) - hep-th/0207165.
  3. Higgs pair production due to a radion resonance in Randall-Sundrum model: prospects at the Large Hadron Collider (Prasanta Kumar Das and Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya) - hep-ph/0303135.
  4. Slepton production from gauge boson fusion (Debajyoti Choudhury, Anindya Datta, Katri Huitu, Stefano Moretti and Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya) - hep-ph/0304192.
  5. Bhabha scattering with radiated gravitons at linear colliders (Sukanta Datta, Partha Konar, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya and Sreerup Raychaudhuri) - hep-ph/0307117.

Satchidananda Naik

  1. The Gravity dual of the Non-Perturbative $ N = 2 $ SUSY Yang-Mills Theory, hep-th-0304202

Sudhakar Panda

  1. On the Cosmological Relevance of the Tachyon, D. Choudhury, D. Ghoshal, D.P. Jatkar and S. Panda, hep-th/0204204.
  2. Electromagnetic Strings: complimentarity between time and temperature, S. Kar and S. Panda, hep-th/0205078.
  3. Coincident Dp-branes in codimension two, S.S. Pal and S. Panda, hep-th/0211115.
  4. De Sitter solution in N=4 matter coupled supergravity, M. de Roo, S. Panda and D.B. Westra, hep-th/0212216.
  5. Supersymmetric and Kappa-invariant coincident D0-branes, S. Panda and D. Sorokin, hep-th/0301065.

Sumathi Rao

  1. Effective action and interaction energy of coupled quantum dots (with Sourin Das), cond-mat/0209033.
  2. Quantised charge pumping through multiple quantum dots ( with Argha Bannerjee and Sourin Das), cond-mat/0307324.
  3. Transport through multiply connected carbon nano-tubes ( with Sourin Das) in preparation.
  4. `Transport in quantum wires', presented at TH2002, July 2002, (Paris), to be published.

L. Sriramkumar

  1. L. Sriramkumar, Interpolating between the Bose-Einstein and the Fermi-Dirac distributions in odd dimensions, gr-qc/0212084, To appear in General Relativity and Gravitation.


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