SANGAM@HRI - 2018 |
5th to 9th March, 2018 |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute |
Programme |
The topics for this edition of Sangam@HRI are : Electroweak symmetry breaking and vacuum stability (Tirtha Sankar Ray, IIT Kharagpur) Lecture-1 Lecture-2 Lecture-3 Jets and jet algorithms (Simone Marzani, University of Genoa & INFN Genoa) Lecture-1 Lecture-2 Lecture-3 Leptogenesis and baryogenesis (Pasquale Di Bari, University of Southampton) Lecture-1 Lecture-2 Lecture-3 Neutrino interactions and detection (Milind Diwan, Brookhaven National Laboratory) Lecture-1 Lecture-2 Lecture-3 There will be 3 lectures on each of the above topics.
In addition, there will be several 1-hr talks : Dark matter in single and multipartite frameworks (Subhaditya Bhattacharya, IIT Guwahati) Slides Perspective of extended Higgs sectors in beyond Standard Model scenarios (Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay, IIT Hyderabad) Slides Precision QCD at the LHC (Prakash Mathews, SINP, Kolkata) Slides Roadmap of Left-Right Symmetric gauge theories (Joydeep Chakrabortty, IIT Kanpur) Slides Supersymmetry in Cosmology (Raghavan Rangarajan, PRL, Ahmedabad) Slides Supersymmetry: Some Aspects (Sourov Roy, IACS, Kolkata) Slides Higgs and Neutrinos (Eung Jin Chun, KIAS, Seoul) Slides