About Me
I am Santosh Kumar Rai, a Professor at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, specializing in Particle Physics Phenomenology. My research primarily focuses on Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics and its implications for collider studies. I have explored various supersymmetric theories, including the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and its extensions like the NMSSM and left-right supersymmetry, all of which present intriguing phenomenological signatures at experiments. My work also delves into extended gauge symmetries beyond the Standard Model, with implications for both neutrino physics and collider studies. In addition, I conduct research on Higgs physics, extending beyond minimal scalar sector models to investigate how these frameworks can impact new physics signals and the extraction of couplings to matter fields. My interests also encompass extra-dimensional models and their associated phenomenology. My primary focus is on analyzing BSM physics at current and proposed future colliders, including the LHC, ILC, CLIC, LHeC, and FCC.
Research Interests
- Beyond Standard Model physics
- Higgs Physics
- Neutrino Phenomenology
- Extradimension and Supersymmetric models
Below is a list of my selected publications. For a full list, please visit my INSPIRE-HEP page or arXiv profile or ORCID profile.
- Search for a leptophobic doubly charged Higgs in same-sign four-lepton and six-lepton signatures in a left-right symmetric model â Published in European Physics Journal C, 2024.
- Emergent new symmetry from the Higgs shadow â Published in Physical Review D, 2023.
- Search for a light Z' at LHC in a neutrinophilic U(1) model â Published in Physical Review D, 2021.
- Nonstandard signatures of vectorlike quarks in a leptophobic 221 model â Published in Physical Review D, 2019.
- Lepton-specific universal seesaw model with left-right symmetry â Published in Physical Review D, 2018.
- Polarized window for left-right symmetry and a right-handed neutrino at the Large Hadron-Electron Collider â Published in Physical Review D (Rapid Communications), 2016.
- Search for spin-3/2 quarks at the Large Hadron Collider â Published in Physical Review D, 2013.
- Unity of elementary particles and forces for the third family â Published in Physics Letters B, 2012.
- Signatures for right-handed neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider â Published in Physical Review Letters, 2008.
- Single photon signals for warped quantum gravity at a linear e+e- collider â Published in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003.
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Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi
Prayagraj, UP 211019, India
Feel free to reach out to me via email at skrai[AT]hri.res.in.