MAterials Theory for Energy Scavenging Lab

Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj

Sudip Chakraborty

Reader F, Physics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Chhatnag Rd, Jhunsi, Prayagraj
211019, Uttar Pradesh

Our Science in a nutshell

Materials Theory and Computational Materials Physics for Energy Materials through cutting edge electronic structure calculations is the prime focus of our research. The specific research interests are as follows:

Academic background

Ph.D (Physics) - 2011:

Ph.D Thesis:

M.Sc (Physics) - 2006:

B.Sc.(Physics) - 2004:

Previous positions

March, 2019 - May, 2021:

February, 2013 - February, 2019:

March, 2011 - January, 2013:

For motivated Ph.D (JEST/NET only) and Postdoc Aspirants:

If you are willing to be a part of the International Research Dynamics (University of Cambridge, U.C. Berkeley, LBNL, Texas A&M, EPFL-Switzerland, NTU-Singapore, Uppsala University-Sweden, NewCastle- Australia) in MATES Lab, HRI Allahabad - you are encouraged to write to P.I. ( with your detailed CV. We are always looking for excellent candidates for Institute's Ph.D (JEST/NET only) and Postdoctoral Research Associate.

Selected high impact research endeavours