Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj
Reader F, Physics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Chhatnag Rd, Jhunsi, Prayagraj
211019, Uttar Pradesh
Materials Theory and Computational Materials Physics for Energy Materials through cutting edge electronic structure calculations is the prime focus of our research. The specific research interests are as follows:
Ph.D (Physics) - 2011:
Ph.D Thesis:
M.Sc (Physics) - 2006:
B.Sc.(Physics) - 2004:
March, 2019 - May, 2021:
February, 2013 - February, 2019:
March, 2011 - January, 2013:
If you are willing to be a part of the International Research Dynamics (University of Cambridge, U.C. Berkeley, LBNL, Texas A&M, EPFL-Switzerland, NTU-Singapore, Uppsala University-Sweden, NewCastle- Australia) in MATES Lab, HRI Allahabad - you are encouraged to write to P.I. (sudipchakraborty@hri.res.in) with your detailed CV. We are always looking for excellent candidates for Institute's Ph.D (JEST/NET only) and Postdoctoral Research Associate.