HRI | Timetable | Master's Programme in Mathematics | Doctoral Programme in Mathematics

Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Annual Progress Report

Doctoral committee: After the successful completion of the first year course work and the OGCE, The MGSC will assign a thesis supervisor to a student, taking consent from the faculty member, and constitute a doctoral committee to monitor the academic progress of the student. The doctoral committee consists of a Chairman (a faculty member at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor), the supervisor as the convenor, and three members (faculty), who could also be experts from outside HRI.

Annual Progress Report: Every student is required to submit a progress report at the end of the academic year, and deliver a fellowship extension seminar in front of the doctoral committee. The thesis supervisor will call a doctoral committee meeting two months before the end of every academic year, and arrange a seminar by the student based on the work done in the current academic year. The thesis supervisor will discuss the progress report submitted by the student with the members of the doctoral committee, and prepare a progress report in consultation with them. The doctoral committee will also give guidelines for future research.

Fellowship Extension: The fellowship extension will be based on the recommendation by the doctoral committee and the approval from HBNI (Homi-Bhaba National Institute), the deemed university where all students of HRI are registered for their Ph. D. degree: http:// . Thus the students are required to upload the annual progress report signed by the doctoral committee members and the Dean Academic, to the anuvidya website http:// , preferably within two weeks after the extension seminar. The original annual progress report should be submitted to the HBNI cell at HRI, for records.

Modified: 2021-09-09