HRI | Timetable | Master's Programme in Mathematics | Doctoral Programme in Mathematics

Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Course Structure

The instructional part of the doctoral program consists of pedagogical lectures and projects during the first two semesters. The semesters usually start with the first working day of August/January. Each semester is of 16 weeks duration, excluding mid-semester breaks and examination weeks. There are seven core courses and one project of total 30 credits in the first year of the programme.


Syllabus & Credit details:


Semester I Credits Semester II Credits
Algebra I 4 Algebra II 4
Analysis I 4 Analysis II 4
Topology I 4 Topology II 4
Differentiable Manifolds 4 Project 2
Research Methodology 9    

Course Work Syllabus (*The topics covered in a certain course may vary depending on the instructor.)


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In Research Methodology, students are expected to get familiarised with the process of writing academic reports, planning of a research project, writing mathematical texts using Latex software and oral presentation. The students are also expected to be familiarised with research and publication ethics.

Project consists of a semester-long reading courses under the supervision of a faculty, and evaluated based on a typewritten report (using the Latex software), of the study carried out by the student and a seminar given at the end of the semester.

Modified: 2023-07-30