Indian String Meeting 2007

Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad
October 15 – October 19, 2007

This is a national level string workshop which is organised every alternate year. This year the workshop will be held at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.

The format of the workshop contains a few review talks, discussion sessions on the topics reviewed and several half an hour slots for participants to present their work. The list of review talks and speakers is

   Application of AdS/CFT to chiral symmetry breaking and low energy QCD Avinash Dhar
  (TIFR, Mumbai)
   Classification of Supergravity Solutions* Neil Lambert
  (King's College, London)
   Black Holes in String Theory* Ashoke Sen
  (HRI, Allahabad)
   Gauge Theories, Viscous Fluids and Black Holes Spenta Wadia
  (TIFR, Mumbai)

*= Tentative Title

Participation is by invitation. Although there is no fixed deadline to apply for participation, we would appreciate if you could write to us before October 10, 2007. You can send an e-mail to the address given below.

  Address for Correspondence:  
  Dileep Jatkar e-mail: dileep AT mri dot ernet dot in
  Harish-Chandra Research Institute Tel: +91 532 266 7509
  Chhatnag Road, Jhusi Tel: +91 532 266 7576
  Allahabad 211 019, India  

Schedule    Participants    Organizing Committee