Received Following International Awards and Recognitions :
- Oct,2024: MRSI Medal-2024 by Materials Research Society of India
- Nov,2023: Editorial Board Member of J.Phys.Chem. A/B/C(ACS)
- Aug,2023: Editorial Board Member, Electronic Structure (IOP)
- Feb,2023: Editorial Board Member, Energy Advances (RSC)
- Aug,2022: Editorial Board Member, Chem.Inorg.Materials(Elsevier)
- Aug,2022: Editorial Board Member, Graphene & 2D Materials(Springer)
- July,2022: Awarded Rising Stars by ACS Materials Au, among 300+ worldwide nominations.
- June,2022: Visiting Professorship in GICAN, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
- July,2020: Visiting Professorship in Quantum Matter and Materials Cluster, University of Cologne, Germany.
- July,2016: Tan-Chin-Tuan (TCT) Visiting Scientist Award, Singapore (40,000 Swedish Krona).
Received Following International & National Research Fundings(in INR) :
- Jun,2022: DST Solar Challenge Award (Consortium Project with TIFR-H, IIT-B, IISER-Bpr)(650 Lacs)
- Mar,2021: DST-NSM (National Super-computing Mission) as PI(35 Lacs)
- Nov,2020: DST-SERB-CRG (Core Grant) as co-PI(65 Lacs).
- Oct,2020: DST-SERB-SRG (Starting Grant) as PI(31.4 Lacs)
- Sep,2020: Indo-German HPC Computing Resource as co-PI
- Dec,2019: Indo-Singapore HPC Computing Resource in NSCC as co-PI
- 2020 – 2023: co-PI, Indo-Swedish Research Funding(68 Lacs)
- 2015 – 2017: co-PI, Swedish Research Links(VR-SIDA)(60 Lacs)