Teaching Activity in Pune University (2007-2011) :
M.Sc. courses on Mathematical and Computational Methods in University of Pune (2006-2010).
Mathematical Methods:
- Differential equations and their solutions
- Bessel functions of first and second kind, utility in antenna design
- Laplace, Fourier, and Z-transforms, their properties and applications in electronics
- Signal and system modeling, impulse response, power spectral density, convolution, and correlation
- Digital filtering
Computational Methods:
- Iterative algorithms, solving equations, and finding roots
- Practical considerations of convergence rate and accuracy
- Curve fitting: Regression, Least square, Polynomial, Lagrangian interpolation
- Newton's divided difference, Splines Quadratic, Cubic
- Finite difference and finite element methods, applications in the solution of Poisson's equation
- Drift-diffusion transport process, Propagation of e.m. waves, etc.
- Introduction to Parallel computing, grid networking, and clustering of computers