HRI Colloquia
S.No. | Title | Speaker's Name & Affiliation | Year |
(04:00 PM, HRI Auditorium) On Harish Chandra and the City of Confluence | Aravinda, Prof. C.S. TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics | 16-10-2024 | |
(04:00 PM, HRI Auditorium) On The Integers of Emotions | Sahai, Ms. Shrinkhla Swayam Foundation, India | 23-08-2024 | |
(04:00 PM, HRI Auditorium) On Bargmann and Fock meet Hardy: An uncertainty principle for operators | Thangavelu, Sundaram Indian Institute of Science, India | 01-04-2024 | |
(4 pm, Auditorium) How Science, and Scientists individually, can stabilize democracies against misinformation-driven discord and disintegration | Charles, Bennett IBM Research, USA | 05-02-2024 | |
(4 pm, Auditorium) A Scientist far Ahead of His Times | Kunal Ghosh, Retd. Professor Indian Institute of Technology, India | 24-11-2023 | |
(4 pm, Auditorium) Tagore’s “life’s best treasure”: Four decades of Visva-Bharati (1921-1961) | Swati, Ganguly Visva-Bharati, India | 17-11-2023 | |
(4 pm, Auditorium) Who’s in Charge of the Howrah Bridge? Engineering Expertise and the Political Economy of Late-Colonial India | Aparajith, Ramnath Ahmedabad University, India | 08-09-2023 | |
(4 PM, Auditorium) Beyond Abel and Jacobi | Kapil Hari, Paranjape Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India | 01-08-2023 | |
How the Past of Modern Science in India may Help its Future | John Bosco, Lourdusamy Indian Institute of Technology,, India | 16-06-2023 | |
Science and Society: A Historical Perspective | Deepak Kumar Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 09-05-2023 | |
In Search of Language X | Peggy Mohan Ashoka University, India | 10-04-2023 | |
LANGUAGE, LOVE AND LYING: An exploration of embodiment and emotion in the human species | Rukmini Nair Bhaya Indian Institute of Technology, India | 24-02-2023 | |
Labour and Periodization in Indian History. | Manu V. Devadevan Indian Institute of Technology, India | 10-02-2023 | |
The Colonial Constitution- The Origin Story of the Constitution of India | Arghya Sengupta Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, India | 03-02-2023 | |
Understanding Inequality. | Reetika Khera Indian Institute of Technology, India | 20-01-2023 | |
Climate change mitigation: Recent findings from the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | Minal Pathak Global Centre for Environment and Energy, Ahmedabad University, India | 25-11-2022 | |
Radhanath Sikdar: The Lost Story of a Mathematician’s Fight for Justice in Colonial India | Rosinka Chaudhuri Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, India | 18-11-2022 | |
Neo-liberalism at a dead-end | Prabhat Patnaik CESP, JNU, India | 04-11-2022 | |
Our Current Knowledge of Indian Mathematics and Astronomy | M D Srinivas Centre for Policy Studies, India | 11-03-2022 | |
Yukthibhasha - The text book of the Kerala School. | A.J. Parameshawaran Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India | 04-02-2022 | |
Mādhava and the Kerala school of Mathematics | Aditya Kolachana Indian Institute of Technology,, India | 21-01-2022 | |
Understanding Mathematics through Verses, Prose and Phrases | Venkateshwara Pai Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India | 14-01-2022 | |
Jaina contributions to mathematics of ancient times | S.G. Dani UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (CBS), India | 12-11-2021 | |
Curatorial Concerns for India and the World: Which Narratives and Why? | Naman Ahuja Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 28-02-2020 | |
NEHRU AND BOSE: COMRADES AT CROSSROADS | Rudrangshu Mukherjee Ashoka University, India | 07-02-2020 | |
Our Missing Trading Zones: Reflections on the Gap between Theory and Practice in the History of Science in India | Meera Nanda Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India | 20-12-2019 | |
Why Ramanujan, the man who knew infinity, matters | Ken Ono University of Virginia, Virginia | 09-12-2019 | |
Challenges of Primary Education in India | Rukmini Banerji Pratham Education Foundation, India | 29-11-2019 | |
The neural basis of mathematical ability and communication: connections and challenges | Kaveri Rajaraman Ashoka University, India | 22-11-2019 | |
What has our national movement given us? | Purushottam Agrawal Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 01-11-2019 | |
Economic growth, inequality and insecurity in China and India | Jayati Ghosh Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 18-10-2019 | |
Are we preparing our youth for adulthood? Major findings | Suman Bhattacharjea ASER Centre, India | 27-09-2019 | |
Song of Stones | Sohail Hashmi Historian, India | 30-08-2019 | |
Monodromy and Arithmetic Groups | T.N. Venkataramana Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India | 23-08-2019 | |
`Governing Academic: Within and Without` | Pankaj Chandra Ahmedabad University, India | 09-08-2019 | |
Glimpses of ancient and medieval Indian mathematics | S.G. Dani University of Mumbai, India | 01-03-2019 | |
Mughal Chronicles: Words, Images and the Gaps InBetween. | Kavita Singh Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 18-01-2019 | |
At Nature's Edge, Longer views of history, ecology and the human predicament | Mahesh Rangarajan Ashoka University, India | 11-01-2019 | |
An Orwell For Our Time | Alok (Retd. Prof.) Rai University of Delhi | 30-11-2018 | |
Virgil on the Hugli, or how to get your term paper | Abhijit Gupta Jadavpur University, India | 16-11-2018 | |
Nature Plays Dice with Boron: Inevitability of Uncertainties | Eluvathingal D. Jemmis Indian Institute of Science, India | 05-11-2018 | |
"Short film “Euler’s Spoiler: A Living Legend” | Arun Muktibodh Mohota College, India | 12-10-2018 | |
HRI colloquium | Palash Baran Pal Calcutta University, India | 05-10-2018 | |
HRI Colloquium | Rajaram Nityananda Azim Premji University, India | 28-09-2018 | |
Is the mind trainable? | Alok Bajpai IIT and Regency Hospital, India | 24-08-2018 | |
Yielding in amorphous solids and related transitions in driven systems | Srikanth Sastry Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India | 17-08-2018 | |
Theories and Imaginaries of Science, Technology and Society: Utopias and Dystopian Visions | Dhruv Raina Jawaharlal Nehru University, India | 10-08-2018 | |
Are we preparing our youth for adulthood? Major findings from ASER 2017. क्या हम अपने युवाओं को वयस्कता के लिए तैयार कर रहे हैं? एएसईआर 2017 से प्रमुख निष्कर्ष | Suman Bhattacharjea Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), India | 27-04-2018 | |
Tossing Coins Inside Living Cells. टॉस्सिंग साइंस इनसाइड लिविंग सेल्स | Roop Mallik Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India | 13-04-2018 | |
The Murals of India. द म्यूरल्स ऑफ़ इंडिया | Benoy K Behl Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, India | 06-04-2018 | |
Civility and principled coexistence in Asokan | Rajeev Bhargava Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), India | 23-03-2018 | |
Small noise limits | Vivek Borkar Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India | 16-03-2018 | |
The Indus Civilization – Uncovering the Discovery. द इंडस सिविलाईजेशन - अनकवरिंग द डिसकवरी | Nayanjyot Lahiri Ashoka University, India | 09-03-2018 | |
The Omnipresence of Conformal Invariance | Sunil Mukhi Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India | 16-02-2018 | |
Diophantine Equations | V. Srinivas Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India | 09-02-2018 | |
The Marginalised Majority and Matters of Livability | A. R. Vasavi NA, | 02-02-2018 | |
Literary Community, Local Cosmopolitanism, and World Literature | Supriya Chaudhuri NA-, | 08-12-2017 | |
Eisenstein series | Winfried Kohnen University of Heidelberg, Germany | 28-11-2014 | |
Patterns of life and death: Using physics to understand complex dynamics in human physiology | Sitabhra Sinha Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India | 27-11-2014 | |
What is Physical Mathematics? | Marathe Kishore Brooklyn College, USA | 07-11-2014 | |
Quantum chaos | Sudhir. R Jain Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India | 12-09-2014 | |
Flexibility and form: wrinkles, folds, and crumples in thin sheets | Narayanan Menon Tata Institute of Fundamental Research- Hyderabad, India and University of Massachussets, USA | 25-04-2014 |