Visiting Students Programme (VSP) in Physics
We run a Visiting Students Programme (VSP) in Physics for which students in M.Sc, B.Tech and final year B.Sc programmes are eligible. Selected students would work in some area of physics under the guidance of a faculty member or a postdoctoral fellow. At the end of the project the students are expected to present a seminar on their work.
Visiting Students are expected to stay here for a period of at least four weeks during any time of the year which is mutually convenient. The maximum duration of stay is 8 weeks. There are a large number of applicants in summer, and few advisers, so your chances are better if you apply during some other time of the year.
The selection is based on the student's academic record and letters of recommendation. It also depends on the availability of a faculty member here to guide the student during the proposed period. The selected students will be paid to and fro (II class sleeper) rail fare, provided accommodation on campus, and paid a stipend to cover local expenses.
Applicants must mention if they are eligible for KVPY, INSPIRE, Academies or any other similar fellowships. If the applicant is selected and is a recepient of any fellowship, HRI will not cover any expense that the fellowship covers. This will, however, not have any bearing on their selection for the VSP.
Interested students should apply online here. The student should arrange at least one letter of recommendation to be sent to the address physvsprec at hri dot res dot in.
Period of Visit | Period of Application** |
January - April | July 1 - October 31 |
May - August | November 1 - February 28/29 |
September - December | March 1 - June 30 |
**For a proposed 'period of visit', your application must reach us strictly within the corresponding 'period of application' (neither earlier nor later). In case your 'period of visit' overlaps with two time periods (eg., from mid-December to mid-January), we will consider the start date to determine the 'period of visit' (in this example it will be September-December).
If you have any query please write to us at physvsp at hri dot res dot in.
Postal address:
Coordinator Visiting Students Programme in Physics Harish-Chandra Research Institute Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, Prayagraj (Allahabad) 211 019 e-mails to: physvsp at hri dot res dot in
4 Year BS / Master's Thesis Visiting Students
The Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) invites applications from students interested in carrying out their 4 year BS thesis / master's thesis work (as part of degree requirements at their home institution) in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics under the mentorship of HRI faculty.
* Application Process: Students should apply by email to the id: A CV, electronic copies of all grade sheets after 10+2, and a brief description of the proposed thesis plan (along with the name of the proposed mentor at HRI) should be attached to this email. They should request at least one (and upto to two) referees to send letters of reference(s) to the same email id. The subject line of the application email should contain the name of the proposed mentor at HRI. The subject line of the letters of reference should contain the applicant's name. Applicants are encouraged to contact their potential mentors before applying.
* There will be 2 application cycles in any calendar year with deadlines 15 September & 15 April
* Selected candidates will be informed within one months of the deadline
* Visit Period: Any duration between 1 August to 30 April in a calendar year or two adjacent calendar years as agreed by the selected student and their mentor (with consent from the student's home institution). The start date should be within one year of the application deadline.
* Selected students will be provided travel reimbursement, accommodation and a stipend as per institute norms.
* Selected students who accept will have to provide a document from their head of department granting them permission for the visit to HRI for 4 year BS thesis / master's thesis work and certifying that the 4 year BS thesis / MSc thesis is part of their degree requirements. The pro forma for this document is below. A soft copy of the document has to be submitted at the time of acceptance, the hard copy at the time of joining.